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(2 edits) (+1)

It's the best RPG I've ever played, and the ending is so sad. I wish there was a better ending. I love this character very much.


That was unnecessarily emotional. Like... Damn, that actually made me feel. And it's an hour-long porn game!

Kudos, Asephy. Kudos indeed!

never expected a game like that would make me kinda sad 

i'm impressed and i want a longer game

Deleted post

I love the crudeness/simplicity of the art style in this one. Makes it feel very lighthearted for the most part.

(1 edit) (+3)

Somehow this game is great and so fun to playing. And.....why the ending is so sad😥

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is great, I just played it, I was just wondering if there was a way to get the goblin scene after beating the caverns again? I know that they're in the final location but I can't seem to get the scene, it just teleports me back to the start of that area.

Edit: Never mind, there's a goblin in the bottom left of the cave that you can use.

Idk why but this game gave me special emotions, aside giving me a boner. I love this game!

Can somebody tell me how catch fish

Deleted 1 year ago

.rar is a video (at least for computer) .zip is the files for the game


you made me feel melancholic over a cheeky porn comedy...

how absolutely dare you

I went fullscreen but it's stuck at the lowest resolution.  Any idea how to increase it?

Will there be a patreon?

the walkthrough needs to be updated? or unprivated? pls thx

Deleted post

is there a way to stab reiji, just really twist my sword in his gut?

Deleted post

really great game, but too short and a little too easy. 




is there a way to access your quests i kinda forgot what i was supposed to do lmao


I played this for the hentai, but got hit in the feelings and now I'm a crying mess pls send help

Where's the father's grave on the second day? I can't find it, and I think I've looked everywhere. The walkthrough is privatized, so I can't really use that :v.


Its in the Cemetery

I didn't expect such fun, hilarious and poignant experience. Well done!


For the install instructions, what did you mean by unzip?

you need to right click on the folder and click "extract all".

This doesnt work for the rar version I think

For rar files, you'd need an external program. You can use winRAR as most people do, but I prefer Peazip because it's free and pretty straightforward.

I hope this helps.

Did you get banned from r34?

Nah, your princess is in another castle

I never made an account on r34

Damn. You have the exact same name as the other guy.


I'm to the point where I have to get the cum samples, where do I get the other 2

I am having issues getting to the ona hole, assistance?

Behind the church on the left

Deleted post

I felt the same too, and i thought i was being weird, glad im wrong

Best hentai rpg I have ever played.

Wow, ending is definitely a letdown. I understand why so many others have commented as such now. Not a bad game otherwise, I suppose.

why such an ending how could you

Could you change the file type from rar to a zip, I am having trouble downloading the rar file.


Added a zip! ^^

Pretty good, but the ending kinda felt out of place.

amazing. only found one bug. is good game.

the game is pretty fun but do you know if you could ad a full screen option because the game screen is a bit small but besides that great gam

Alt+Enter should allow you to fullscreen :3

I did that but it just makes the game screen smaller even though it's fullscreen

This game is fucking beautiful and I would love it if you made side games for the other character's lives.

Losing to the Medusa after you beat it makes you have to redo everything from saving Remu or whatever the cat girls name is.

Also all the torches are lit for me, but the gate won't open, is that a bug or am I missing something?

Hello! I'm enjoying the game, but near the very beginning after I defeat the slime boss and visit the grave the game freezes. She finishes talking, then takes a step north and then... I can't control the game anymore. The music still plays, I can press D to toggle the display but that's it :<

oh... I figured out why xD If you approach the grave from the left you will get stuck. I approached from above and now it continues :T it froze because apparently there's more cutscene you trigger walking north, but since you aren't in the right place it never happens.

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